Genre - chapter 4
1. which genres were the most successful at the UK box office?
2.which genres were the least popular or successful at the UK box office ?
3. which film Genre had the most films released in 2013-14 (not the most successful but the biggest number of films made)?
Comedy accounted for the highest proportion of releases (22%)and took 14% of the box office.The top earning comedy was The hangover part 3.
4. How many films in this genre were made in 2013-14?
5. how many animated films were made ?
Animation included the biggest film of the year ; Despicable me 2 . combined gross of 247 mil with 33 releases.
6. how many actions films were made ?
Action was the second highest earning genre of the year with a combined gross of 215 million with 47 releases - iron man 3.
7. what does this information about the genre tell you about ?
-Film production: Film producers make films that are relevant although some of them might not be successful.
-Film audiences: Film audience like fictional stuff for example documentaries and war were the least popular ,they like happier films ; story lines.
Audiences- chapter 15
1. Which age group made up the largest proportion of cinema admissions in the UK (who went to the cinema most)?
15-24 at 33%
2. Which comedy film was most successful with this age group?
The hangover part 3
3.Which film was most popular with the over 50s ? what genre film is it ?
Quartet ; Comedy and Drama
Seen by 90% of cinema goers of this age.
4. Which Genre was most popular with men ?
5.What Genres were most popular with Women?
Romance films mostly but also family and teen films like Frozen and One direction; about time.
6. Uk films appealed most to which audience type?
Females 45 and above
7. Which 3 films were most popular with the 7-14 age group ? what does this tell us about their preferred Genre?
One Direction this is us (UK)
Wreck it ralph
Despicable me 2
This tells us the preferred genre is usually something that attracts young people either visually or through audio and sound.
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