Genre: British Crime Drama
Location: For a title sequence of this genre I would set the majority of it on the streets of East
London, using locations like dark alleyways, tunnels and estates. I would also have some clips filmed around the landmarks in Central London so that it is clear to the audience where the film is set.
Costumes: I would have the characters in the title sequence dressed casually so they look relaxed. I would have some of the male extras dressed in dark coloured hooded tops and baseball caps, the women being dressed similarly but making their clothes more fitted so that they look more feminine and attract the male gaze whilst conforming to the stereotypes of how young people dress in London.
Lighting: For the lighting in my title sequence I would film in the few hours where the sun is going down to get that cool blue feel so that a sense of isolation is implanted therefore setting the tone of the film. I would also use a tungsten lights in some shots in order to enhance the orangey colour of the street lights.
Shots: I would use a range of different shot types focussing on close-ups, mid shots and wide shots. Including a few establishing shots to show the audience the surroundings allowing them to figure out where the film is set.
Cuts: To create the feeling of a British Crime Drama I would use face paced straight cuts. I would do this so that the genre is revealed to the audience and the pace of the film is set.
Credits: For the credits of the title sequence I would have a fairly plain text like ARIAL or COURIER. I would also have the text in capital letters and colour it white as a contrast to the darker colours in the background. I would have the text in a central position on the screen .
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